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Tag: medical cannabis

My Feelings and Why I’m Voting YES on Prop 2

My Feelings and Why I’m Voting YES on Prop 2

On August 23rd I received an email from my Church. This email was sent to all members of the Church living in Utah. The email advises all to vote ‘no’ on Proposition 2, which proposes the legalization of the use of medical cannabis in Utah. As I read, pondered, and prayed about this discussion, I decided share how I feel on the matter (in no specific order): Separation of church and state In my opinion, not too many people understand what…

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My Rebuttal to the Kirton McConkie’s So Called “Analysis” of the Utah Medical Cannabis Act

My Rebuttal to the Kirton McConkie’s So Called “Analysis” of the Utah Medical Cannabis Act

I’ll start by saying that I am an active member of the LDS Church, I believe in and practice the Word of Wisdom, and that I am not directly involved with the Utah Patients Coalition. My Church requested the law office of Kirton McConkie to perform a legal analysis of the “Marijuana Initiative” that will be presented to voters in November’s ballot. This “analysis” was released to the public on May 11th. I was taken aback by the way the…

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